Камень преткновения - (лат. Petra Scandali лат) выражение из Книги пророка Исаии "И будет Он освящением и камнем преткновения, и скалою соблазна для обоих домов Израиля, петлею и сетью для жителей Иерусалима.
И многие из них преткнутся и упадут, и разобьются, и запутаются в сети, и будут уловлены" (Ис.8:14,15).
I saw Tanya this morning and she was so beautiful at her sleep, I couldn't stop watching her..., so I took the camera, then I went to our daughters' room and took some pictures there... then I decided to make something like a postcard and tell my friends about beauty of this morning :)
I saw Tanya this morning and she was so beautiful at her sleep, I couldn't stop watching her..., so I took the camera, then I went to our daughters' room and took some pictures there... then I decided to make something like a postcard and tell my friends about beauty of this morning :)